Regeneration (cell therapy Indiba Activ)
A licensed method of cell therapy INDIBA the Spanish company
The team of the spa center Labriut
We employ leading experts in Israel

Sanatorium center Labriut

Health center Labriut is in nice hotels Residence and Residence Beach in Netanya on the Mediterranean Sea a few meters from a lift which is down to the beach.

Sunshades and lounge chairs are free on the beach.

There is a main square of Netanyua a five-minute walk from our Health center. There are a lot of shops, cafes, restaurants, musical live shows and a fountain with water lilies here.

A special health-related recovery program gives possibility of effective treatment of the spinal column, joints, muscle, ligament, lymphatic and blood vessels of legs and arms, fibromyalgia and others.

We have comfortable single rooms, double rooms and triple rooms. Standard room facilities include air conditioner, a toilet, a shower, a hairdryer, a modern colour TV with Russian channels, a phone, a kettle, a fridge and free Internet.

You can buy a voucher for 7 or 12 days with once-daily (a buffet breakfast) or twice-daily meal option.

The price for 7 days includes 13-15 manipulations. The price for 12 days includes 28-30 manipulations. The total price (accommodation, meals, the complete course of treatment) depends on a month which you choose.

Residence Beach Hotel

Residence Beach Hotel

The price of treatment in Israel

7 days
(6 nights)

5700 ILS

Single room

4000 ILS

Double room,
one person

12 days
(11 nights)

7200 ILS

Single room

5400 ILS

Double room,
one person


Price does not include transfers from other cities in Israel and other countries.

Do you have any questions?

Leave your telephone contact and we will communicate with you!

Treatment in Israel at the sanatorium center "La Briut"

Medical procedures are carried out on the most modern equipment for procedures leading European resorts.

All manipulations are treated by doctors as clinically warranted and occur under medical supervision.

For those wishing to see the sights tours Israel are organized.
For guests from other countries there is an opportunity to receive consultations from the leading Israeli experts or examination of any disease (according to preliminary request).

Visitors to other hotels in Netanya and everyone interested can contact to us and get all manipulations on an individual plan.

The doctor and staff speak Russian.

Do you have any questions?

Leave your telephone contact and we will communicate with you!
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